Thanks To Rescue Bank And You, Joy Has Plenty To Eat While Recovering From Cancer

When you shop with, you’re helping cats like Joy find the comfort of a full belly and the care they need. Rescued from the stray cat life by The Dancing Cat of San Jose, California, Joy was settling in nicely in foster care when the vet discovered she had cancer. Because Rescue Bank delivered high-quality food to The Dancing Cat, this dedicated cat rescue had the funds to cover the veterinary care Joy needed to survive.

And you made this possible for Joy, all because you shop with Whether you’re buying toys and treats for your cat or cute wearables for you, every purchase made donates money to rescues and shelters working hard to care for cats and kittens in need.


Saving Lives by Filling Bowls

The funds raised by our loyal shoppers reach hungry kitties thanks to a partnership between and Greater Good Charities. This purpose-driven family of charities devotes their efforts to improving not only our lives, but the lives of animals too. One of the best ways to serve animals in need is by filling their food bowls and giving them the comfort of a full belly. And the Rescue Bank, a pet food distribution initiative developed by Greater Good Charities, has been keeping hungry bellies full for over a decade.

And the felines of The Dancing Cat are some of the cats filling up on the nutritious food delivered by The Rescue Bank.

Resilient Joy

The main focus of The Dancing Cat is saving feline lives and helping them find their forever homes. Joy is one of their successes. But without help from generous hearts, maybe she wouldn’t be the healthy girl she is today.

As The Dancing Cat shared, “Joy is the type of cat that puts a smile on your face. She’s comical and likes to be shown affection.”

She’s a happy cat because once rescued, she was retired from the outdoor life. Joy had spent most of her life outside, and as The Dancing Cat said, “Though she was fed by caring community members, she was at risk of falling ill with infections or being harmed by predators.”

Because of her affectionate nature, she was placed in a loving foster home with hopes she would go on to find a forever home. But a little sore on her nose changed everything.

“Though Joy was settling in nicely at her foster home, her outdoor life caught up to her when our vet noticed a sore on her nose that was not healing.”

“She was then diagnosed with a type of skin cancer called Squamous Cell Carcinoma.”

On Facebook, The Dancing Cat explained, “Many light-colored cats living outdoors are at risk of contracting skin cancer due to constant exposure to the sun.”

They also report that when caught early, “SCC can be successfully treated.” So, Joy headed to UC Davis’s School of Veterinary Medicine as the school offers advanced options in the treatment of feline cancers. Having to undergo radiation treatment, “Joy courageously endured the drive to Davis and the treatment.”

Now, this special cat “is almost fully recovered!”

You Helped Joy Get Healthy

And The Dancing Cat wants you to know how much your purchases help, explaining, “Receiving food donations from Rescue Bank has freed up our funds so that we can care for more cats like Joy that need expensive veterinary attention.”

So, shop with a purpose and don’t feel guilty about buying a little something extra knowing you’re feeding a hungry cat.

Feature Image The Dancing Cat

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