Playing Tug With Dogs Is a Good Thing

Basics of the tug game and how to troubleshoot common problems
Playing Tug With Dogs Is a Good Thing
True or False: Tug is a great game to play with your dog. According to our resident canine behavior expert, the answer is a resounding “true,” albeit with some caveats. Dogs who like it—which is most of them—get a lot from it; even some who don’t take to it immediately can learn to enjoy it. Read on to discover why and how to play tug with your dog.

Many dogs love to play tug, and one of the beautiful things about this game is that for most dogs, nobody has to teach them how to do it. Even puppies still adorably tripping over their own feet play tug games. It’s that natural for them.

It’s uncommon to meet dogs with a casual interest in the game; dogs tend to either love to play tug or have little interest in it all. For the the ones who adore it, tug offers a way to engage them in play, exercise them, teach them skills they need to play safely so it’s fun for people and dogs alike, and reinforce them with something valuable.


from The Bark


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