Woman Tracks Down Kitten’s Frenzied Cries Coming From Stack Of Pallets
It was an ordinary day for Joyce, a plant manager at a processing facility, when the sound of a kitten’s cries caught her attention during her lunch break. Having rescued cats before, she immediately recognized the distressed meows and began her search for the source. Little did she know that this would be the beginning of a heartwarming story involving a kitten named Nymeria, who would eventually become a beloved work-from-home companion. As Joyce searched the area, she found Nymeria hiding among a stack of pallets. Continuing her search, she discovered two more kittens from the same litter. YouTube There was no sign of their mother, so Joyce took it upon herself to help these abandoned kittens. It wasn’t uncommon for people to dump unwanted cats at the warehouse, and Joyce was determined to give these kittens a better life. Joyce and her family raised Nymeria and her siblings until they were about 8 to 10 weeks old. Joyce’s best friend adopted one of the kittens, and her best f...